Attention Fellow Drinkers: These Are All Drinking Myths

Everyone knows at least a handful of myths about drinking. There is a long list of drinking rules and tips, but most of them are not true. The words and tips that you’ve been living


12 Travel Quotes That Will Make You Want To Study Abroad

12. “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts. It even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you – it should change you. It leaves marks on your misery,


20 Signs Social Media Has Ruined You

Generation Y is known for the tweeting, Instagramming, Youtubing, and Facebooking. If there is a new social media account, you’ve got it. Apps are no problem either, you have folders full of them. The truth


20 Lies All Girls Tell Themselves When Going Out

We all have to tell ourselves some lies to get off the couch and push ourselves to go out every weekend. Horrific memories come to our mind of past nights out and you start to


30 Best Hangover Cures For Every College Student

These are the some surprising ways to cure your hangover: 30. Go for a long brisk walk through the fields.


You Are What You Drink: What Your Alcohol Choice Says About You

Moscato– You’re a girl who looooves wine. You decided to take on the “fruit diet” and your first question was, “Wine counts as a fruit, right??”   Admiral Nelson Rum– Chances are you’re broke, in


Instagram Posting: The 6 Step Process

We don’t always stop and think what went into an Instagram picture before we double tapped it. For a lot of guys it’s point, shoot, caption, and upload. On the other hand for some girls,


10 Reasons Real Men Don’t Cheat

Somewhere along the road, men have stopped being faithful and have been applauded by their peers, based on their “game”. They parade around as if they are real men while in fact, they are ruining


A Guide To Sunday Mornings

After spending your Saturday night out having the time of your life, (as per usual) 80% of the time you wake up Sunday morning and the first thing that probably comes to mind is waaatttterrrr or


10 Signs You’re With Mr./Mrs. Right

We all want to find someone that will be by our side no matter what. Falling in love though, can be both scary and exhilarating. You get a  feeling of completeness that can consume you