College Partying Do’s and Dont’s (2)

7) Do know your limits. 

Nobody wants to be known as the drunken slob at the party who blacks out and doesn’t remember anything. Don’t throw down 3 shots all at once, be sure to space them out and be aware of what is going on around you. Not all drinking games have mandatory participation, and if you choose to play, try not to lose, and don’t play more than one round at a time. Nobody should be pressuring you to drink, and if they do, tell them to piss off.

6) Don’t leave your drink unattended. 

That is the cardinal rule of partying. Always watch your drink, and don’t take any from people you don’t know, and haven’t seen where it’s been. There have been many unfortunate date-rape cases throughout college and keeping an eye on your drink will ensure that it won’t happen.

5) Do understand what “consent” means. 

Parties are notorious for hooking up. If you find yourself flirting with someone all night, maybe even making out a little, you both need to give consent before anything sexual happens. If he or she is incoherent, that is an automatic no. It’s simple, no means no, and yes means yes.


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