Confession: My Roommate Is Awful And Here’s My Story

I know most people end up being really close friends with there roommates, but unfortunately for me I didn’t find a friend, I found an enemy, which is considered as the WORST roommate in the


10 Things You Should Stop Wasting Your Meal Points On

There comes a time every semester when we start to run low on our meal points, but for some reason we can’t bring ourselves to stop wasting money on things we know that we don’t really need. Eventually


Why I Love Being Greek At The University Of Cincinnati

Going into college I swore that I would never become a sorority girl. Soon I realized that within my intense classes making friends was challenging. I never had enough time to sit down and meet


How Social Media Can Help You Land Your Dream Job

We have all heard teachers and parents tell us, “Careful what you put on the Internet. It is permanent.” While that is totally true, it should not scare you if you are utilizing social media


How Extra Credit Saved My Life

In high school doing extra credit was something that you didn’t have to do, but was kind of forced to do anyway. Some classes would give you these extra assignments for something as simple as staying


Why I Am OK Moving Post-Grad

I have always been someone filled with wanderlust and a natural curiosity for the way people live, even if it is only a few towns over. I tend to wonder where people go to school,


10 Things I Will Do in 2016 at The University of Alabama

My first semester at college didn’t go as I expected, so for my 2016 New Year’s resolution, I told myself what I could do that would help me have a better experience. So, here’s a list of


15 Ways To Get Your Crush To Notice You As Told By Tina Belcher

Tina Belcher is one-fifth of the Belcher gang on the animated TV series, Bob’s Burgers. She is a silent, but deadly force to be reckoned with. You may not know it, but she is also


14 Times Louise Belcher Understood The Struggles Of College Life

Louise Belcher is the baby of the Belcher gang. At nine-years-old, she may be the youngest, but she definitely knows the struggles of college life. She is feisty and no one in their right mind


12 Reasons Buying Textbooks Is For The Birds

Textbooks are heavy. Really heavy. If that’s not enough, they’re also super expensive. You could probably get a house with the money you’re spending on textbooks. All the more reason buying them is for the