Most Expensive College Dorms in America by State

The friends over at made a map with a description as well that you can find below that describes the most expensive college dorms by state. You might be surprised by the results. Check out


10 Colleges With The Best Student Dorms

If there’s one experience all college students share, it’s dorm living. Whether it’s a good or bad experience, we all know what it’s like. Some of us share a dorm with 2 other people and


10 Things To Do When You’re Bored At College

Instead of being bored in your dorm room and filling your time with playing on your phone and Netflix, there are creative ways to fight off boredom blues. You definitely won’t regret trying these fun,


5 Things Every St. John Fisher Student Is Currently Struggling With

If you’re a student at St John Fisher College, chances are you’ll agree. 1. No more to-go cups in the dining hall  2. Or being able to leave with cookies 3. Or fruit… 4. Receiving less


College Teaches You What A Professor Can’t

College isn’t all about how good your GPA is or being the top student in your major. There are other important things that students can get out of going to college. Not only do you


27 Ways You Know You Go To St. John Fisher College

1. One word: Lackmann. 2. You can get to every academic building without ever stepping foot outside 3. You can sort out the football players from everyone else based on where they sit in the dining hall (baseball


Interview with San Fermin’s Founder Ellis Ludwig-Leone

Troy Heidtmann Sits Down for an Interview with San Fermin’s Founder Ellis Ludwig-Leone for a brief, but intimate interview at Boston Calling. A short while back I had the privilege of talking with San Fermin’s founder Ellis Ludwig-Leone.


10 Struggles All Lazy Students Understand

1. Naps- You may have mountains of work to do, but nothing can be started until you’ve taken a nap after class. You go into the nap thinking you’ll be fresh and rejuvenated afterwards to


10 People I Can’t Stand At My College Gym

WAIT.… If you don’t know what is by now, get your head straight, SERIOUSLY. It’s kind of the hottest col­lege web­site in the world right now, so give us a LIKE on Face­book —> HERE and give us a FOLLOW on Twitter/Instagram–> @UPrimetime. You won’t regret it.


61 Thoughts While Riding The Train

Most people have taken the train whether it’s coming home from college or visiting a friend/place. This means that most people have also experienced the people of the train, which can be pretty entertaining.