When you are OFFICIALLY considered a workaholic

Work, eat, sleep, repeat. Work, eat, sleep, repeat. This is the motto of a workaholic. The every day routine of one who has no life, but enough ambition to stand out in a crowd. At all costs. On


Socializing in College: How To Not Get Stuck In Your Room Playing Video Games

The most important part of beginning your college career is making friends. Do not be fooled, social life is almost just as important as your study life! You don’t want to be that guy/girl who’s


15 Friends You DON’T Want To Make In College

Everyone tells you that college is here you’ll make some of the best friends you’ll ever have, and that’s often very true.  If you’re lucky, you’ll form bonds with your classmates, your roommates, and the


Things That Happen The First Weekend Back At College

Coming back to college after a long break at home feels great. You get to see all of your friends and all of the people that you haven’t seen for a long time. Since it’s


20 Things Only Hofstra Students Understand

There are times in life when we try to explain a story that we think is hilarious to our friends, but halfway through we find ourselves saying “you just had to be there”. College life isn’t


Why Your Freshman Year Roommate Experience Should Be Valued

Heading off to college for the first time signifies the beginning of a new step in life and with this new step comes new responsibilities and decisions. For many people leaving for college also means this


14 Struggles of Being Friends With A Flaky Person

Throughout your many years of school you have met a lot of people. Good, bad, nice, or sad, and some of them became friends. Once you get old enough to drive you all go and


10 Different Types Of Squads You’ll See At College

There are so many people on campus, yes we get that! But this is when we flashback to high school… Instead of “cliques” there are “squads” these are just some of the basic squads you’ll


The Anatomy of Your Drunk Friends In College

 Today I would like to take the time to pay homage to one of the most sacred practices for a twenty-something and that is the drunk brunch. Unlike its counterpart, the hungover breakfast, drunk brunching


7 Stereotypical College Students That Are Perfectly Described

7 Stereotypical College Students 7. Frat Bro He pronounces himself as a respectable young man with shorts at his thighs, a polo shirt, and a backwards hat.  The ladies know the truth behind the whole