10 Struggles of Having a Messy Dorm

When you’re in college you’re more worried about class, homework, work, and your social life than you are about keeping your room clean. So, naturally, when keeping your room clean is at the bottom of


8 Bad Habits We Get Into Over Winter Break

Ahhhh… Alas! Winter break has finally arrived and we’re all stoked! A month off of everything can be pretty refreshing. For well, one whole month and we definitely get into some bad habits along the


10 GIFs That Describe Payday

Payday is one of those days that everyone looks forward to. Chances are you have it marked in your calendar with a giant red circle or green dollar sign just in case you forget. There’s


24 Thoughts We Have Over Winter Break

Being home for winter break from college we all tend to have mixed emotions.. We miss our friends at school and miss our friends at home, we miss our parents and we miss going out


Janet Jackson Gifs Explain Your Feelings After Finals Week

Janet Jackson is Ms. In Control. She’s the queen of the Rhythm nation. And she will perfectly describe your feels after finals week in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… 10. Feeling doubt about exam results,


14 Times Mariah Carey Described Your Feelings About College Life

Mariah Carey is a talented diva who has topped the charts with her awesome vocal range. She is most popular for hits like “Always Be My Baby” and “Vision of Love.” More recently, “Infinity.” As


Pros and Cons of Winter Break As Told by Parks and Rec

On January 13, the last season of Parks and Rec launches on Netflix, and it’s going to be positively popular. And, it comes out at the perfect time, right in the middle of winter break.


10 Ways to Survive a Bad Professor

At least once in your college career, you’re going to come across a professor that you just don’t click with. Whether they just aren’t personable, are super strict, or just seem to have a vendetta


14 Reasons You’re Thankful for Your Friends As Told By the TV Show Friends

14) They give you amazing advice like Joey: 13) They support you no matter what you look like or what you think of yourself: 12) You always have someone to dance awkwardly with at parties:


15 Struggles of Dorm Life As Told By Abby Lee Miller

15) What you do whenever your roommate turns her back: 14) What you do whenever your roommate turns back to look at you: 13) When your floormates are running around the halls screaming at 1am