20 Things Only SUNY Oswego Students Understand

20. Parking is a Nightmare You know the struggle of parking, whether you’re a resident or a commuter. They have knocked down entire buildings to create more parking but it hasn’t gotten any better. The only


15 Ways You’ll Spend Every Friday Night In College

College students are spontaneous, but not unpredictable. The clichés about undergrad life that you so often see in movies may not be entirely true, but they’re based in some reality. The fact of the matter


15 Ways Your College Professors Differ From You High School Teachers

Even if you’ve never had a college course, you probably understand that the professors don’t behave exactly like your high school teachers did. The rules are more relaxed, there’s less emphasis on discipline, and they’re


20 Things Only Hofstra Students Understand

There are times in life when we try to explain a story that we think is hilarious to our friends, but halfway through we find ourselves saying “you just had to be there”. College life isn’t


Why Your Freshman Year Roommate Experience Should Be Valued

Heading off to college for the first time signifies the beginning of a new step in life and with this new step comes new responsibilities and decisions. For many people leaving for college also means this


West Coast Colleges VS East Coast Colleges

There are a few things I’ve taken notice of as far as the differences between schools on the West Coast vs the East Coast. Since I am sure many of us can relate, figured I would


Eight Reasons Oakland University is Pawriffic (Go Grizzlies!)

Whether you chose Oakland University because it is close by, has gorgeous scenery, or for a certain program it offers, OU has a lot of great things about it that makes it a one-of-a-kind school!


10 Struggles of Explaining Greek Life to Non Greeks

10 Struggles of Explaining Greek Life to Non Greeks Last year BuzzFeed made a video titled 29 Things Sorority Girls Are Tired Of Hearing and we couldn’t agree with it more! We totally understand that


7 Stereotypical College Students That Are Perfectly Described

7 Stereotypical College Students 7. Frat Bro He pronounces himself as a respectable young man with shorts at his thighs, a polo shirt, and a backwards hat.  The ladies know the truth behind the whole


10 Reasons to Study Abroad in College

During my junior year in college I had the chance to study abroad in Dublin, Ireland for three months. I cannot tell how much I have learned from those months living amongst the locals. From