10 Things I Wish I Had Realized While In High School

BOY MEETS WORLD - Now that they are in their senior year, Cory and Shawn figure they no longer have to turn in homework. But their new assignment from Feeny is more challenging- -to find tickets for the Super Bowl. Meanwhile, Eric ends up with a date who would be more compatible with Jack; and Jack's new girlfriend would be a better match for Eric, on Boy Meets World. (Photo by Scott Humbert/ABC via Getty Images) RYDER STRONG, BEN SAVAGE, DANIELLE FISHEL, WILLIAM DANIELS

9. High School Sweethearts, While Adorable, Are Not Crucial

Sure, the concept of high school sweethearts are romantic, but don’t obsess yourself with the notion.  Give yourself time to be yourself.  You are complete without another human being.  You have your whole life to find that person that complements you in a way that brings out the best in you.

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