Why Confidence Is The Sexiest Thing Ever

One important thing young generations need to drill into their heads over and over, and I cannot repeat this enough: YOU have to accept and love YOURSELF before you can expect anyone else to accept your flaws and imperfections.  Yeah, yeah cliche I know- but oh, so very true. If you’re not comfortable in your own flesh, do you really think you’ll be comfortable in a relationship where someone is supposed to love you and all that comes with you?  It’s unrealistic to expect a mature relationship when you’re constantly at the other end thinking your SO is focusing on something only you see.  This kind of insecurity and self-doubt is bound to cause quarrels in which your SO won’t even know where he or she went wrong, what they said, or if it was something he or she did.  It’ll eventually cause them to react to this “crazy behavior” and create an unhealthy and toxic relationship.

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