Why Confidence Is The Sexiest Thing Ever

I understand it’s not easy to just say “I love everything about myself!”, I mean that’s just unrealistic.  We all have insecurities, imperfections, flaws.  But it doesn’t hurt try to love yourself. It’s reaching a point in society where females are basing their happiness based off their relationship status, but since when do you need a man to make you happy?  Society has taught us to body shame and acquire the companionship of a SO in order to “fit in”.  Making singles identify as “forever alone”.  IT’S OK TO BE SINGLE, PEOPLE!  Especially in college.  This is your time to do whatever you want.  These are the best four years of your life.  Don’t have it weighed down by questioning why someone doesn’t love you, or find you attractive.  Most likely someone does, but not everyone has the balls to directly say “Hey, you’re hot”.

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