Unspoken Rules of a Best Friendship

Like life, friendship doesn’t come with a rulebook. There’s no manual in the world on how to carry out the most beneficial and long-lasting friendships. It takes two people who just get each other in


The Beauty Of A “Forever Friend”

According to Urban Dictionary, a forever friend is defined as “friends, that regardless of 50 days of separation, reunite to find nothing has changed.” And, as we all know, Urban Dictionary is always right. I


9 Times Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake were #friendshipgoals

There are three types of people in this world: 3. Jimmy Fallon Lovers 2. Justin Timberlake Lovers 1. THE Pair: Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake Lovers Yes, It’s cool to be #1 and #2, but


The 10 Stages Of The Friend-Zone

The Friend Zone: a situation in which a friendship exists between two people, one of whom has an unreciprocated romantic or sexual interest in the other. We have all been in this situation before, where


Expectations Vs. Reality: Living With Friends

The first thing most girls think about when they consider living with friends is the amazingness that will be: surrounding yourself with your favorite people 24/7. It sounds like the perfect situation. Who could ask


10 Reasons Starbucks Became My Best Friend In College

You come across all different types of people when you go to college, but one relationship that you didn’t really expect to have such an impact on you is the one and only Starbucks. Even


3 Simple Reasons I Will Always Listen To My Mom

We have all heard the statement “mothers know best” in the midst of just about every tiff we had with our moms when growing up. And, when I was 15, dating a guy my mom


20 Things I Have Learned From My Lovely Southern Roommate

I met my roommate Colby on bid night. Two older girls in the house who were best friends were assigned to be Colby’s and my “Rose Sisters,” or girls who we hung out with in order


Socializing in College: How To Not Get Stuck In Your Room Playing Video Games

The most important part of beginning your college career is making friends. Do not be fooled, social life is almost just as important as your study life! You don’t want to be that guy/girl who’s


14 Times You Secretly Say “Thank You” to Your Best Friend

14. When she drags your butt to the gym 13. When she warns you about who is also in the dining hall 12. When she brings you to McDonald’s at 1 o’clock in the morning