10 GIFs That Describe Payday

Payday is one of those days that everyone looks forward to. Chances are you have it marked in your calendar with a giant red circle or green dollar sign just in case you forget. There’s


10 Ways to Survive a Bad Professor

At least once in your college career, you’re going to come across a professor that you just don’t click with. Whether they just aren’t personable, are super strict, or just seem to have a vendetta


10 Reasons You Actually Go To the Library During Finals Week

10) Find your future spouse: that’s why we’re all here, right? 9) People-watch: people who sing or rap along with their music are adorable and nappers are hilarious. You honestly never know what you’ll see,


10 Struggles Pitt Students Go Through During Finals Week

10) Realizing you have less than a week to use up your 80 swipes so your parents don’t yell at you, so you swipe into Market in the morning to get some soft serve, and


Feelings about the End of the Semester As Told by Tony Stark

15. When it’s the end of your last fall semester and people ask you what you want to be after college: 14. When people question why you’re at the bars on a Tuesday night: 13.


What Actually Happens On a Day You Don’t Have Finals During Finals Week

We all like to pretend that we study 24/7 during finals week, but if we get an off day during it, we probably aren’t studying the entire day. Here’s what your schedule would probably look


10 Things That Make You Miss Home

As excited as every college kid is to finally be “out on their own” and able to make their own decisions, everyone gets homesick at one point or in other cases, a thousand points throughout


10 Thoughts When You’re Running Low on Your Meal Plan

Running low on your meal plan is possibly one of the worst things you can experience in college. You could easily just use your card or cash, but it’s not the same as just swiping your


10 Signs You’re the Loud One on Your Floor

No matter where you live, there’s always at least one person that everyone considers “the loud one”. They’re the person who always seems to be making some kind of noise, whether it’s by talking loudly, blasting


10 Struggles of Working Out in Your Dorm

If you’ve ever worked out in your dorm then you know that it can be a struggle. It’s nice to be able to workout in the comfort of your own room, but at the same