10 Fears You Have When You Actually Start Your Study Abroad

Planning a study abroad trip and actually going on it are two entirely different things. When you’re planning the trip you’re more likely to focus on the logistics as well as all of the places you


Why Going Home For School Breaks is Like a HS Reunion You Don’t Want To Have

You might realize that you whenever you go home for break – winter, summer or spring – you always seem to run into people you went to high school with. Whether you come from a small town


20 Types of College Friends Described By Movies and TV Shows

When people think of groups hanging out at school a lot of the time we think of cliques – the jocks, the cheerleaders, the nerds, the troublemakers, the band geeks, etc. But have you ever thought


12 Things To Stop Apologizing For

“I’m sorry.” It’s one simple phrase and yet it holds so much meaning. So why do people throw it around so often? We seem to say I’m sorry for so many things and a lot of


The Stages of Making Friends in College

Making friends can be such a difficult thing when you first come to college, especially if you are a pretty shy person. We all know how it felt to be standing alone in our new


Confession: My Roommate Is Awful And Here’s My Story

I know most people end up being really close friends with there roommates, but unfortunately for me I didn’t find a friend, I found an enemy, which is considered as the WORST roommate in the


10 Things You Should Stop Wasting Your Meal Points On

There comes a time every semester when we start to run low on our meal points, but for some reason we can’t bring ourselves to stop wasting money on things we know that we don’t really need. Eventually


11 Struggles of Dating the Guy your Friends Don’t Like

At some point, every woman is going to date a guy that her friends don’t necessarily like. I’m talking about the kind of disliking that stops your friends and your boyfriend from even being in


Why I Love Being Greek At The University Of Cincinnati

Going into college I swore that I would never become a sorority girl. Soon I realized that within my intense classes making friends was challenging. I never had enough time to sit down and meet


The 10 Stages Of The Friend-Zone

The Friend Zone: a situation in which a friendship exists between two people, one of whom has an unreciprocated romantic or sexual interest in the other. We have all been in this situation before, where