10 Things I’m Learning While Being At The University of Alabama

You learn a lot during your first year of college. From learning more about your major to learning the history of the school. Not only can you learn things in class, but you can learn


Advice for a Burnt Out College Kid From Another Burnt Out College Kid

Hey, friend. I know it’s been hard but I want you to know that you’re not alone. You’re not the only one dreading class and feeling lost during it. You’re not the only one who


College Explained By SpongeBob Gifs

College can be a stressful, boring, exciting, and even a long experience for some people. Everyone has different experiences and different ways to explain the college experience, so here to explain some things we deal with in


Why I Was Scarred For Life After Walking in On My Roommate Hooking Up

I knew before I even applied to college that I was going to be forced to share a room with someone, and I just had to face the fact that I had to do that.


10 Reasons Disney Channel Isn’t What It Used to Be

Disney Channel played a pretty large role in a lot of our childhoods. There were tons of great and entertaining TV shows and movies to watch, but there was also just something about the channel


What If The One That Got Away Came Back?

Everyone has that one person. Everyone has someone that slipped through their fingers, no matter the attempt to keep them around. The “One That Got Away” left while there was still sparks. Sometimes distance gets


12 Thoughts When Putting On Makeup

Makeup. The coverer of dark circles. The mask of glamour. It shields our flaws and allows us to flaunt our inner beauty on the outside. There’s nothing like getting dolled up. Although the results are


15 Thoughts During My First Month of College

15. “I’ve Got This.” I swear to you this was my main idea during that first month. I can do this; I will beat the statistics that say this “transition” is difficult. I won’t be like


20 Things You Think To Yourself While Walking To Class

A pair of earbuds can help the time pass more quickly during your daily walk to class, but even so, it’s a pretty mindless part of the day that allows your thoughts ample time to


Ten Thoughts of Every Restaurant Worker

These thoughts occur on a daily basis said every restaurant employee ever… 10. Did somebody say corner? Corner is our special lingo that we use in a restaurant to make sure we don’t have chaos